Cup Cake Cassidy

1961-02-17 Kelso Roberts introduces bill in the Ontario Legislature allowing Sunday movies and theatrical performances.
1961-03-24 Issue over Council approval for theatrical performances and acting as a censor board.
1961-04-19 "It is questionable whether the city has the moral right to tell Toronto citizens where they may go and see what they may see on Sundays" (Elliot Abells, owner of the Lux Theatre).
1961-04-19 City Council approves Sunday movies, but rejects amendment to permit theatre performances and concerts.
1961-04-24 By 11-5 vote, council instructs city solicitor to bring forward by-law permitting theatrical performances, concerts, movies and lectures on Sundays.
1961-05-08 Mayor Nathan Phillips and Controller William Allen attempt to re-open the issue at City Council.
1961-05-23 City Council approves Sunday movies. "We open with Cup Cake Cassidy this Sunday. We are flying her in specifically for the show, because her name was mentioned in City Council debate." (Elliot Abells)
1961-05-28 Alice (Cup Cake) Cassidy performs Sunday at the Lux.